People in Jaipur, keeping us sane this lockdown

 Life has been different for everyone of us since the pandemic started last year, after staying indoors with lockdowns for almost a year we all started accepting the new normal and started living our lives when the second wave of coronavirus started and now again we are all in our homes.

 As internet is one thing we all are stuck to from YouTube videos to scrolling through Instagram, we all know the internet plays a big role in keeping our mind sane it is very important to also benefit ourselves from it and keep our minds positive.

So here I am bringing some Instagram accounts you can totally rely on and get yourself active and make your mind happy and positive, these accounts are a mixture of all kinds of genres from food to health to photography to amazing fashion and positive contents.

-  Radhika Agarwal 


Firstly we have Radhika Agarwal also known mostly by her Instagram name thefoodiedevi, she is a dentist turned full-time food and travel digital content creator.  she creates beautiful contents for her viewers from yummy food recipes to baking videos she has them all to make you get up from the sofa and run to the kitchen and try them all.

Her recipes are simple yet delicious to look and with food videos she also posts some realistic topics on self love and other fun food reels, you have them all. I assure you she can be a great help to you during the quarantine to make you a good chef. 

She feels the lockdown has been equally difficult for her but as a freelancer she feels its her job to create contents for her followers and for her ownself and its cooking and the contents that she creates is what's keeping her happy and positive. She is doing her best to cope up with the ongoing situation and also helping people finding resources through her platform.

- Shreya Jain

 ( - 

This blogger has been doing her best to keep her viewers engaged to positive contents through her account, being actively talking about staying positive to creating  feeling good contents she as a fashion blogger is not only sticking herself to fashion videos but including every positive content that can help you while staying indoors.

She has a great fashion sense which is minimal yet comfortable to wear, she keeps herself active through her stories and keeps her viewers engaged to conversations to Q&As through her account. She is strong and tries to keep herself real even in the reel world by being honest about various things which we are facing during these days.

She feels life in lockdown has been disturbing but she is enjoying what she's doing, its her work that's keeping her sane and she is loving the fact that her contents are keeping some people sane. Though she's struggling to think of new ideas due to the impact of the negative environment around her but she is trying her best to create contents which are loved by the people.

- Dr. Divolka Gyanjee 

( divolka_gyanjee)  

Divolka holds a PhD in nutritional psychology and is a food stylist at Gyanjee caterers, her belief in food and its importance can be seen through her account. Her account is to be followed during these times when our immunity is the most important thing as she provides basic knowledge on food and its affect on our bodies.  Her healthy food recipes are a must watch and are easy to try at home, as cooking can be a great therapy.

Her account is a blend of herself, food recipes and other different aspects to her life from pictures of food styling her profile and its realness is what attracts her viewers. Anyone who loves food decor can also go through her page and look upon ideas.

She is keeping herself sane by spending time with her dog while also doing a great job of feeding the stray dogs as these times have also been difficult for the stray dogs, read books and adult coloring and one most important and strong way of keeping her self positive is by making future plans and goals, I feel her confidence and positivity towards life can be something we could all follow and believe that this too shall pass.

Disha Tharyamal 

( dishathahryamal) - 

My next addition of content creators includes Disha who is the owner of Pilates studio Jaipur. The importance of health has been made very clear to us during these years as the covid situation has taught us to keep our health as a first priority. With good nutritious food the body also needs a good amount of activeness which will also help us in future, 

She feels to keep oneself motivated and happy mentally it is also very much important to take a break from news and social media as it can be depressing sometimes because of the news we are seeing these days. with physical health mental health is equally important.

One important suggestion to keep yourself motivated and actively participate in moving your body by any kind of exercise she feels keeping an accountability partner is important can be anyone family friend who makes sure to motivate you everyday to finish your workout. And lastly she feels everyone should find a movement activity that brings joy to us and forget the word exercise and focus on MOVING OUR BODY.

She has beautiful account which is not only restricted to exercises but also includes various other informative posts to keep yourself motivated.

- Baandri 

 ( _baandri_) 

The last account on the keeping us sane category includes baandri, the account is an unique combination of aesthetically Indian posts, the beautifully captured minimal pictures of various things around us, Baandri has beautifully included beautiful posts which can be soothing to our eyes during these tough times.

We all can look upon her account which has an interesting way of including photos of different genre if you want a calm experience should surely check her account and anyone with an interest in photography can also take lessons from her account which is beautifully crafted with Rajasthani culture and modern photographs too.

During this time it is very much important to look upon visuals that can make us happy mentally and baandri is one such profile which is calm, do check out her account to believe my words.

All these accounts are for helping you all to cope up with the ongoing situation, it is my small way with the help of these beautiful ladies to bring you all profiles of these people in different genres. Lastly we all need to believe that this too shall pass it is just a phase and living healthy and positive is what is the most important thing and pray for the world to come to normal again.


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